offline to online, How to Move Your Offline Contacts Online

Are you wondering how to transfer your offline address books online?

Are you wondering how to transfer your offline address books online? If so, we are here to give you an in-depth guide on how to do so.

From how to follow up with your clients to giving them the perfect gift box, we are here to tell you how to make the transfer process easy and rewarding. Keep reading below to learn how to get your address book online.

Why You Should Move Offline Contacts Online

Offline address books are great for when there isn't an internet connection, but you should consider moving your offline address book contacts online.

There are quite a few benefits to making your offline address book available online, and we have outlined a few below.

Online Mailing Is Free

When you use an offline address book, you have to reach out to those clients via physical mail. If you move your address book online, you'll be able to send them emails and newsletters.

These virtual mailings are free and will not cost you much money. Low cost means your marketing budget won't hurt, and you can still reach the same amount of clients as before.

You Can Keep Your Offline List

Moving your offline contacts online doesn't mean your online list will go away forever, and it would be best if you kept your offline address book.

You can access it anywhere by having an offline address book that's a direct copy of your online one. This means that you can see highly targeted prospects at any time, most natural.

This can help later on down the road when you want to reach out to the prospects. If you want to add a personal touch to reach out to them, you should consider spending a few bucks for direct mailings.

Direct mailings are simple; you need to print something out, put postage on it, and send it directly to the client. Direct mail generates a higher quality and more qualified lead because physical mailing has a more personal touch than virtual mailing.

Another reason you should keep an offline list is because both lists will help with contacting. When saving an offline list with your online list, you will have the resources to contact the client in the best way. You may even find multiple contact options that will accelerate your reach-out response.

How Do You Move Offline Contacts Online?

Moving an offline contact online may sound harder than it is. We are here to give you step-by-step instructions to transfer your offline contacts online in the easiest way possible.

Step 1 – Send Postcards

The first step to moving your offline contacts online is to send a few physical mailings. These mailings don't have to be fancy and can be a postcard.

You will want to send a postcard to everyone on your offline contact list. On the card, you should be offering one of your existing lead magnets based upon the list on which the recipient exists.

You probably have multiple lists, such as sellers, buyers, and clients/SOI. The list could be hundreds of people, but sending a postcard compared to other mailings is inexpensive. Lower cost means you won't be hurting your marketing budget after everyone is added to your online database.

Also, sending postcards is fast. You have to send it, and the client will receive it in their mailbox.

Physical mail will make them more likely to take action than receiving an email in their inbox. All in all, this means that sending a postcard works, and people will want to join your online list.

Step 2 – Include the Direct Link on the Postcard

Now that postcard mailings work and are the best option for getting your clients onboarded onto the online list; you need to know what to include on the card. The card should have a direct link to your lead magnet's online lead capture URL.

Including the URL makes it easy, and the recipient will then go to the URL and enter the required information. Upon clicking submit, they are added to your list.

Step 3 – Thank Yous and Confirmations

After the client is added to your online address book, you will want to send a thank-you email. This email should send automatically once a client selects the submit button.

This confirmation email should list the information they submitted and ask them to confirm it. They should easily change their information if something is wrong through a link in the email that will direct them to a page to change it.

To spruce up your thank you email, you can offer a prize or gift box when they confirm their information. This gift box is a great way to get a response and get people to verify their data.

What to Include in a Gift Box

Offering a gift box is an excellent idea because you can include many goodies that appeal to your clients. These goodies should also tell your clients that you're the right person with which to do business.

Sales Letter

This sales letter should thank them for requesting information about your business. You can say that you wanted to send the gift box to give the client insight into your company.

Make sure the letter states what you've included in the box and why you've put it in there. You will want to explain what's in the package and detail why you think it's essential.

Lastly, your letter should tell the client what you want them to do. This call to action should say that they should do something after going through the package.

Items That Show Your Expertise

You should include things such as a guide or report, books, DVDs, or CDs that show authority and expertise, such as podcasts and case studies. You can also insert some press releases or articles that have been written about you.

Including testimonials is also a great idea. These testimonials should be everything, and anything ultimately said about you, and testimonials show proof that you are a clear choice moving forward.

Even including special reports relevant to your overall message and the prospect's challenges can show you're the right choice.

Include Fun Items

It doesn't have to all be business. If you put out an informative but fun newsletter, go ahead and include some back issues.

Add some fun items such as grabbers that tie into your company's message. There can be items such as notepads, shirts, pens, and magnets that include your name and make the recipient feel special.

Adding faux postcards to the box of happy clients or even pictures with celebrities and influencers is a nice touch. Be sure to tie it into your products and services on the back.

Convince the Client

When sending the gift boxes, you will want to encourage their business. You can do this by telling them who hires you. Identifying your ideal clients helps define who you work with and informs the client of your area of specialization.

You can even tell them what will happen when they choose to work with you. Providing the steps to working with you is your chance to explain the process and what you do for clients, which helps build your value.

Include a few reasons as to why they should choose you. This is your chance to overcome any objections they may have.

Even make a statement regarding who shouldn't be contacting you. This will let your marketing tactics weed out anyone that won't benefit from your company and save time later on down the road. Lastly, including a checklist or list of evaluation questions will help potential clients see if doing business with you is the right move.

After figuring out what you want to include in your gift box, you should tell the recipient what to do next.

Remember to Follow-Up

After sending your initial emails and your gift box, your work isn't done, and you will need to have a strong follow-up sequence.

The most natural follow-up campaign should have a combination of direct mail and email to accomplish your marketing communication goals. Below we have laid out what you should do for the next six weeks.

Week 1

The first week after sending your gift box, you should follow up via direct mail, and sending another postcard is all you need.

Recap the key customer benefits of doing business with you. Make sure to include your contact information also.

Week 2

In the second week, you should follow up through email with a story or case study. This story or case study should present a past customer recounting their experience working with you. Keep in mind the case study should be relevant to the prospect.

Week 3

Week 3 should be a follow-up by direct mail. Mail a letter that checks in with the prospect concerning their needs.

Week 4

In the fourth week, you will email the prospect an offer. This should be helpful content such as a webinar, guide, or even a white paper.

Week 5

Week 5 is going to be another email offer follow-up. If they respond to last week's email, you should thank them, welcome them to ask questions and make a new offer. If they didn't respond to last week, reiterate week 4's offer of helpful content.

Week 6

This week you will want to mail them directly. Present a special offer or invitation to do business together.

Remember to Add New Contacts to Your Print Newsletter List

It's important to remember to add new contacts to your print newsletter list. You are sending a print newsletter, aren't you? This is because a monthly newsletter in print is one of the easiest and most effective ways to increase retention rates. It can even help to increase referrals and instantly build long-lasting relationships with all clients.

Sending these mailings every month will help you stay on top of your client's mind. These communications will ensure that they talk about you regularly and actively refer you.

Also, it's effortless for your clients to pass around a print newsletter. This will help educate potential prospects and make them feel more comfortable coming to you, ultimately making the conversation more comfortable with the customer.

Should I Expand My List?

If you expand your list, you should consider renting a highly responsive mailing list. Use the same system as above to add new contacts through this list.

Using Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®) services to help promote your small business within your local community. It can be used to inform locals of a sale, a new location, coupons, and even help you send postcards.

They even have an online tool to help map ZIP Codes and even neighborhoods. This makes it easier than ever to see the demographic you're reaching.

You can also use Standard Rate and Data Service (SRDS). SRDS lists contain every commercially available mailing list. This makes it easy for you to find new clients, and you can even list yourself as a broker, making it easy for people to find you.

Remember that you should also follow up on the sequence we listed above to expand your list. This will help you stay on top of your new client's mind.

Now you Know How to Get Clients Onto Your Online Address Books.

We have given you an in-depth guide on how to get your offline address books transferred online. From how to convert your offline clients online through physical mailings to properly follow up, you'll have an online address book in no time.

For more marketing tips and information, be sure to check out the rest of our website.

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