On January 15th, I posted an article titled “5 Elements Every Successful Real Estate Marketing Plan Should Include” reminding you that the new year was here, and it was time to create your marketing plan for 2020. As we close in on the end of the first quarter, I'm here to remind you once again to create your marketing plan if you've not yet accomplished it.

Today I'm sharing an article titled “Real Estate Marketing: Templates + Examples to Win in 2020” that was shared with me by David Lawrence of Follow Up Boss. Whether you've created your 2020 Marketing Plan or not, this article is well worth taking the time to absorb.

The article takes a close look at the way real estate marketing is changing in 2020 and shares proven strategies from the best franchise-based team leaders, boutique brokers, and solo agents in real estate to help you create—and, more importantly, execute—your original marketing plan for 2020.

real estate marketing templates, Real Estate Marketing: Templates + Examples to Win in 2020If your real estate marketing plan has fallen flat since January, then there’s no time like the present to get back on track.

Start by giving your current real estate marketing strategy a full and honest audit. Ask yourself how many of your resources are being dedicated to your email, social media, video and photo, content creation and general marketing maintenance plans.

Do this consistently throughout the year — reassessing your strategy once every couple of months and focusing on the neglected marketing stepchildren to revive it — and you’ll have a real estate marketing plan that’s the envy of your competitors.

Click here to view the original web page at www.followupboss.com